
Therapeutic Areas in Focus

Volume 75 Autumn 2023

Dive into our news section to read the latest updates in the pharma world from Novo Nordisk partnering with UNICEF to reduce childhood obesity (page 8) to results from AstraZeneca and Daiichi Sankyo’s phase 3 trial for datopotamab deruxtecan (page 7).


This issue’s cardiovascular and metabolic diseases section includes some fascinating articles. The first from AstraZeneca considers the rise in non-communicable diseases and what healthcare systems should be doing to combat this (page 10). Also in this section, Amarin tells Pharmafile about the impacts of COVID-19 on cardiovascular disease (CVD) and the next steps in CVD treatment in the UK (page 13).


Our women’s health section provides an overview of the most important areas of the industry. Theramex shares an in-depth overview of women’s health in the UK, assessing the current standard of care, before considering what innovations are taking place to help to improve the field (page 16). Meanwhile, Medidata explores the need for gender diversity in clinical trials and how this is likely to improve clinical trial outcomes (page 20).


The most in-depth section in this issue, our oncology topic covers various areas of the oncology sphere from AI to prostate cancer. Biomap considers the use of AI in immuno-oncology and how it can improve drug discovery (page 22), KAUST considers the future of targeted oncology drug design and how nuclear magnetic resonance can be used for cancer treatment (page 25) and Parexel assesses the need for diversity in oncology clinical trials specifically for personalised medicines (page 28).


Executive Director – PMGroup Worldwide Ltd - Karl Equi

Group Managing Editor – PMGroup Worldwide Ltd - Iona Everson

Editorial Assistant - Betsy Goodfellow

Sales Manager - Eliot Haynes

Designer - Peter May

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Pharmafile is published each Summer and Autumn.
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